

Oilseeds are any of several seeds as the soybeans, sesame, peanut, coconut, olives or castor bean, from which an oil is expressed. how do we make the oil the post-harvest practices for most of the seeds consist of threshing, shelling or podding and drying, after which the product can be stored like grains.

Critical in drying and storage process is the prevention of contamination with fungi and aflatoxin. How they extract oil from oilseed? They use what called crushers. This involves a series of steps which can include mild heat treatment to precondition the seed prior to processing. After that the seed is crushed and flaked and then heated slightly to enhance oil extraction. The flakes are then pre-pressed in a screw press or expeller to reduce the oil content in the seed.

What is the health benefit of the oilseeds?

Seeds represent a unique source of fatty acids. Many plant species have been examined for their nutrient content and for industrial purposes in the search for alternative new sources of seed oils with characteristics making them useful in the treatment of numerous human age-related degenerative diseases  because they are rich in protein, and in addition they contain a high level of fat. Hence, they are not only good sources of protein, but, also concentrated source of energy. The proteins in oilseeds can be fed either as part of the oil-intact seed, or as a meal from which the oil has been removed.

Moreover,  Seed oil also provides an adequate supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc.

So they are healthy and they should to be in every house.

what does oilseed mean?

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